Restoring Hope Transplant House would like to thank everyone from Beta Sigma Phi who collectively raised money to sponsor the gift of heat, lights, phone and water for the month of November here at Restoring Hope. What an amazingly generous gift from so many kind chapters, especially as the chilly winter months have set in. Thanks for making a difference!
Restoring Hope Transplant House is a non-profit home in downtown Middleton, Wisconsin that offers comfortable and affordable housing to transplant patients and their caregivers while they are in the Madison area for life-saving procedures at nearby UW Hospital. This blog contains recent Transplant House News, Letters, Articles and Photos (click on photos to enlarge). For more information, please visit our website:
Transplant House Needs: Fall & Winter
As we travel the state of Wisconsin to
spread the word about Restoring Hope Transplant House, we are frequently asked
about the immediate needs for the house and our visiting guests. With the
chilly winter months quickly approaching, the needs are numerous and range all
the way from keeping this enormous house warm and comfortable to providing a
home cooked breakfast, cleaning supplies stocked and providing so many of the
comforts that help make this house a home for so many. Any and all help in
these areas would be greatly appreciated by not only us but maybe even your
family, friends and neighbors from all parts of Wisconsin and beyond who travel
to the Madison area to receive the gift of life!
Emily's Story
Emily's Blood Story from Fox River Christian Church on Vimeo.
Receiving regular updates on the
progress of our guests feels so much like catching up with family. The emails,
calls, letters and texts are so much appreciated.
When you know firsthand of the struggles and live the daily challenges with a family like Emily's, it makes watching this video even that much more special. To know the amount of time she has spent in the hospital during her young life and to learn that she's now taking on the coordination of a December blood drive in her local community fills you with emotion from seeing how far this family has come.
Thanks for Caring!
Heartfelt thanks for all of the love and support following the recent passing of Cindy's mother in Green Bay. We have an even greater appreciation for the caring sense of community all of you have helped to create at RHTH after this past month. Thanks for the many kind words and gestures!
July 26: Capital City 5K Run/Walk
We hope you will join us and come out and support transplant families by participating in the Capital City 5K Run/Walk here in Madison on Saturday, July 26th. Cindy Herbst of Restoring Hope Transplant House will also be speaking at this event at 5:00PM. Hope to see you there!
Annual Garage Sale Rescheduled
While in the midst of a week where our transplant family truly needs our loving support and having recently been
approached about a last-minute speaking opportunity, we have decided to reschedule our annual garage sale to a
future date. We will keep you posted with the new date in the very near
future. Thanks for your continued support!
Ripple Effect Transplant Newsletter: Summer 2014

The Ripple Effect e-newsletter is out for summer 2014, click here to learn more about current news and events from the UW Organ and Tissue Donation Program.
July 18th: Mallards Baseball Night Reminder
A quick reminder about Save Sight Night, the next upcoming fundraiser event in support of Restoring Hope Transplant House. We hope to see you all out at Warner Park on July 18th. For more event info, please click here.
RHTH: "A Permanent Foot Print On My Heart"
How special it is to welcome guests to RHTH and have them leave as family. We appreciate Lisa for including RHTH in her touching letter to the editor. Best wishes to the family and all of our friends who have passed through our doors.
Lions & Lioness Clubs of Wisconsin Embracing Restoring Hope
Another heartfelt round of thanks to the statewide Lions and Lioness Clubs of Wisconsin and beyond who continue to embrace Restoring Hope Transplant House and our guests with generous financial support and donations ranging from cleaning supplies, food, laptops, household supplies, quilts and so much more. The work you do is amazing and the compassion you show to families in need is second to none. Your efforts inspire us daily!
July 19: Transplant Support Walk in Viroqua
Please join our friends and participate in the Annual Vernon Memorial Healthcare Transplant Support Walk on July 19th in Viroqua. Great people, great cause and a great day for all involved. Please look the attached flyer over for more event info.
RHTH Garage Sale - July 25 & 26 - You Can Help!
The Annual Restoring Hope Transplant House Summer Garage Sale will take place on July 25th and 26th. Please help support our transplant families by donating quality items for us to include in our upcoming sale. All proceeds benefit RHTH. Please see the attached flyer for more details!
Another Great Day to Honor Elaine!
It was an honor to be involved in the Elaine Graber Memorial Ride for Hope once again this past weekend in Belleville. The collective love for Elaine and her family is what makes this annual gathering so special. We never had the privilege to meet Elaine, but after attending 5 years of this event, it's clear that she was a special lady who had a profound impact on a lot of peoples lives. Heartfelt thanks to Elaine's family, friends and all of the participants who make this great day in May possible.
NCW Donate Life Event in Wausau
Thanks to our NCW Donate Life friends in the Wausau area for all they do to promote organ donation throughout the area. It was fun to visit with them for their annual Race 4 Life Scavenger Hunt to help raise awareness and funds to support Restoring Hope Transplant House. Many thanks as well to the participants and congrats to the winners. Thanks for all you do!
Seth's Story: "Nothing Short of Miraculous"
It was nice to see our double lung transplant recipient friend Seth on the front page of his hometown LaCrosse Tribune newspaper recently. What an amazing young man with a great story and such a bright future. Best wishes to him and his family and all of our guests who all have miraculous stories of their own.
Scroll down our Guest Comments page to read Seth's story.
April Is National Donate Life Month
April is Donate Life Month as most of you know. Many of our guests and dear friends are with us here today because of the generosity of someone who one day decided to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor. You can make a difference by joining the registry in your state today!
In this month of raising awareness for organ donation, we also celebrate our many guests like Terry and Charles who have received a miraculous second chance at life through organ donation. Donations in support of Restoring Hope Transplant House support these amazing people - our friends!
In this month of raising awareness for organ donation, we also celebrate our many guests like Terry and Charles who have received a miraculous second chance at life through organ donation. Donations in support of Restoring Hope Transplant House support these amazing people - our friends!
April 25: Fundraising At Fridays
Thanks to TGIFridays for including RHTH in their Fundraising At Fridays campaign. Simply present this flyer to your server on Friday, April 25th at their Middleton location and TGIFridays will donate 25% of your check to Restoring Hope Transplant House. See you there!
July 18, 2014: Madison Mallards Baseball Night
Bring the family and friends out to Warner Park for a fun night of Mallards baseball and a chance to raise awareness about Lions/Lioness Clubs and raise funds to support Restoring Hope Transplant House. Click here to learn more.
May 17, 2014: Elaine Graber Memorial Ride for Hope
We hope you will join us on May 17th for one of our favorite events of the year. Celebrate Elaine Graber and help raise funds to support a great cause that was very dear to her. Click here for more event information.
Red Cross Real Heroes - Thank You!
Many thanks to the Red Cross for this nice honor. They are the "Real Heroes" - thanks for all you do!
Capitol Insurance Companies: Making a Difference for Transplant Families
Restoring Hope Transplant House would like to thank Capitol Insurance Companies
for their recent donation of $1,000 in support of transplant families. We are
beyond grateful for the emphasis they place on embracing their community through
contributions to area charities like Restoring Hope. Pictured above are Dalia
Dannenberg and Tracy Kreul presenting a check to Restoring Hope Transplant House
Executive Director Cindy Herbst on behalf of Capitol Insurance Companies.
Thanks for making a difference in our community.
3/14: Wine Tasting Event at Blackhawk Country Club
A reminder about the upcoming Lions Wine Tasting event that will be held on Friday, March 14th from 5:00 - 9:00 pm to support Restoring Hope Transplant House and other great causes. Please note that this very popular annual event will be held at Blackhawk Country Club this year. Click here for more details.
April 5th: Benter's Bowling Benefit for RHTH & NKF
Support the transplant community when you participate in the 9th Annual Benter's Bowling Benefit on April 5th in Two Rivers, WI. Proceeds support Restoring Hope Transplant House and NKF of Wisconsin. Many thanks to the Benter's and their supporters for all they do to support transplant families!
Feb 23: Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for RHTH
Enjoy meat sauce spaghetti, vegetarian spaghetti, salad, French bread and dessert.
Entry is $10 for adults and $7 for children under 10. Tickets can be purchased at the door or at the following locations listed above. Hope to see you there!
Feb 8: Middleton Health Fair
Please join us and several other exciting participants at the upcoming Middleton Health Fair on Saturday, February 8th from 10am - 2pm at the Marriott. This educational event is hosted by The Wisconsin Society of Pharmacy Students.
March 14: Wine Tasting to Benefit RHTH
Please join us for the Middleton Lions Club's 15th Annual Wine Tasting on Friday, March 14th from 5:00 - 9:00 pm at the Madison Marriott West. All proceeds benefit local charities including Restoring Hope Transplant House. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased here online, at Harbor Athletic Club or even at the door. We hope to see you then!
RHTH Guests In Their Own Words: Piper Family
Dear Friends of the Restoring Hope Transplant House,
My brother, Jim Piper, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in May of 2013. After his first round of chemo and subsequent weeks in ICU it became clear that the only choice for his survival would be a bone marrow transplant.
And so began our journey.
Jim’s best chance of surviving a bone marrow transplant was with a sibling donor but the idea of Jim having full siblings never seemed possible. Jim was adopted at six weeks old and all we knew of his birth parents was that they had been in their teens and were unwed.
I began searching for them right away. I knew Jim’s birth date and county of birth, and I knew that his mother had chosen the type of home he should go to. She wanted a middle class, loving, protestant home with siblings, and preferably one with music in the home. She even chose the outfit he should wear when he came to us, so we knew there was some real care taken. With the help of the Alma Society I was able to find Jim’s birth family and I made contact with them on June 22nd.
I spoke with Jim’s birth parents, Allan and Sharon. Their reaction was one of joy and concern. I found out that they had wanted to marry and keep Jim but since they were teens they were made to give him up. Years later, they married and had more children. Jim had a full brother and sister! They quickly decided to tell their children about Jim’s existence and illness.
They met with Jim’s sister, Heather, the Monday after we first spoke. She was told she had an older brother and told that she might have a chance to save his life. Heather agreed to be tested as a possible donor immediately. We waited for weeks, and then got the results that she was an identical match. She agreed to be his donor!
The rest of the story.
As soon as Jim was diagnosed in May, our family, in shifts at first, and finally our parents, relocated to Wisconsin from California. Mom and dad have been caring for Jim for six months in a very isolated situation. As soon as we moved them all into the Transplant House things began to change. The Herbst family brought much-needed friendship and care to the family. Others in the house shared their stories. For the first time we realized that we weren’t all alone in this. Some of the fear dissipated.
The Transplant House was a wonderful place for Jim to spend time and get to know his new family. During the course of treatment, Jim’s birth mom and sister each made two trips to Wisconsin and were greeted as family by all. So much healing has taken place there.
During the darkest days of the transplant, our mom and dad had a warm, safe place to go and rest. They were encouraged every step of the way. Pots of soup, blankets, snacks and water for long days at the hospital were shared with the love of a family.
As we have moved past the crisis time, my family has begun to encourage others who are coming to the Transplant House. The Restoring Hope Transplant House is a beautiful gift that the Herbst Family and the many donors have given to all of us. We are grateful beyond measure.
With much love and gratitude,
Julie (Piper) Adams
Local Lioness Club Makes Special Delivery
We were recently visited by Amy, Bette and Jeff Paulson from the Cottage Grove
Lioness Club. They all came together to bring us a new freezer, just the right
size for our needs. This will be a huge help for us. We are very grateful for
the many ways Wisconsin Lions and Lioness Clubs help us serve others.
FAQ: Current House Donation Needs
We have received many calls lately about our current donation needs for house related supplies. Here's an updated list for anyone interested in supporting the house and our transplant families this holiday season:
1. Monetary donations to help keep RHTH warm during these chilly Wisconsin winters
2. Monetary donations for 2 laptops to be used for guests
3. 2 hepa filter vacuum cleaners
4. Target gift cards for fresh fruit, veggies, bread, milk, eggs and juice for guest use
5. Paper towel, 2 ply toilet paper, Kleenex (soft for nose), Kleenex hand towels (60 ply white)
6. Dawn disinfectant dish soap
7. "All" free and clear laundry soap
8. Commercial ice melt for driveway and sidewalks
9. Stamps
Items NOT needed at this time:
1. Toiletries
2. Paper plates
3. Paper coffee cups
4. Canned goods
Thank you all!
1. Monetary donations to help keep RHTH warm during these chilly Wisconsin winters
2. Monetary donations for 2 laptops to be used for guests
3. 2 hepa filter vacuum cleaners
4. Target gift cards for fresh fruit, veggies, bread, milk, eggs and juice for guest use
5. Paper towel, 2 ply toilet paper, Kleenex (soft for nose), Kleenex hand towels (60 ply white)
6. Dawn disinfectant dish soap
7. "All" free and clear laundry soap
8. Commercial ice melt for driveway and sidewalks
9. Stamps
Items NOT needed at this time:
1. Toiletries
2. Paper plates
3. Paper coffee cups
4. Canned goods
Thank you all!
Happy Holidays from RHTH
Thanks to Lodi Challengers 4H Group
Many thanks to our friends with the Lodi Challengers 4H group who stopped by the house recently to present this very generous check from a recent fundraiser in loving memory of one of their leaders, Patty Endres. What an amazing show of support for the house and our guests. It makes a huge difference in our ability to care for those who need it the most, so thanks to you and everyone else that supports transplant patients statewide and beyond when they donate to RHTH.
Happy Thanksgiving from your RHTH Family
Our first year of welcoming guests has given us an even greater appreciation for special days like Thanksgiving. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all of you who have made this year such a memorable one for all of us. You are always in our thoughts.
Please click here to read a special thanksgiving letter from RHTH Executive Director Cindy Herbst and a letter from the Piper Family on their transplant story and stay at RHTH.
Please click here to read a special thanksgiving letter from RHTH Executive Director Cindy Herbst and a letter from the Piper Family on their transplant story and stay at RHTH.
Busy Times at RHTH - You Can Help!
The past two months have been the busiest stretch we have seen yet at Restoring Hope Transplant House with some of the most amazing people and amazing stories. Their journeys towards good health have become our own as they have gone from guests to family.
Please know that your financial support and donated items are needed now more than ever especially as we head into the chilly winter months so that we can focus more on doing what we think we do best and that's caring for our guests. Your support provides a warm home away from home for friends like these:
Please know that your financial support and donated items are needed now more than ever especially as we head into the chilly winter months so that we can focus more on doing what we think we do best and that's caring for our guests. Your support provides a warm home away from home for friends like these:
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