Dottie Donor Dot, Wisconsin's donation mascot, has become extremely popular and we need more volunteers to cover all the requests we get for appearances. This year especially, due to the opening of the new online Wisconsin Donor Registry in April and the Transplant Games in July, we have many more opportunities for Dottie and her team to be out spreading the life-saving message of organ, tissue and eye donation. Please consider joining the Dottie Donor Dot volunteer team as either a Dottie mascot (wear the costume) or escort (assist Dottie and answers questions.) A brief training PowerPoint is emailed to new volunteers to teach you everything you'll need to know to be an excellent mascot or escort.
The height requirements have been changed to reflect our experience with the costume. You need only be 5'3" or taller to qualify as a mascot. Who do we need? High school kids seeking volunteer opportunities (age 16 or older), college students, church groups, Boy or Girl Scouts (age 16 or older), retired folks, civic groups or anyone looking to support our life-saving mission. The list is endless if you're a giving kind of person!
To see Dottie in action, check our her Facebook page. Search Dottie Donor Dot and become her fan.
To see Dottie working with her donation mascot friends from other states, go to www.mascotmission.com and join the mission.
To learn more and to sign on as a volunteer, go to www.uwhealth.org/dottiedot